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One man’s hope against a savage enemy.

The multitudes came with their silver swords to enslave his people and kill those who resisted. Even the gods got into the action. But hope is a weapon as sharp as any sword, and one man is armed to the hilt with it.

Bagwa has about as wonderful a life as any tribesman can possibly have—until a comet mysteriously appears over his village one night and forever changes everything. Are the gods warning him of coming misfortunes for him and his people, or are they causing them?

Either way, Bagwa soon learns he is the only person who can lead his people out of oblivion and into a safer future. But, even if he can elude the silver swords, will the gods let his people survive?

Silver Swords is an origin story of the new fantasy series, The Eludrians, by LN Heintz (sample inside).